Office365のOutlook APIをpythonで叩いてSlackに本日と翌営業日の予定をPostしようとしてみる(5)本日と翌営業日の予定をPostしようとしてみる
ごめんなさい、まだSlack Botレビュー中なので、Slackにポストはまだできていない
% pip install slackclient
https://[workspace].slack.com/messages/[channel id]/
% cat password_list.py # azure client_id = '[client id]' client_secret = '[client secret]' # slack token = '[oauth token]' channel = '[channel id]'
calName = 'Calendar' #予定表 calName2 = 'Tasks' #タスク用予定表
% cat get_calender_post_slack_test.py # temp: to avoid ssl error import urllib3 urllib3.disable_warnings() import datetime from slackclient import SlackClient import password_list import json # import python-o365 import sys sys.path.insert(0, './python-o365') from O365 import Account # outlook client_id = password_list.client_id client_secret = password_list.client_secret account = Account((client_id, client_secret)) # slack token = password_list.token channel = password_list.channel def getOlcalEventsAllday(account,calName,calDay): if not account.is_authenticated: account.authenticate(scopes=['basic', 'calendar_all']) schedule = account.schedule() calendar = schedule.list_calendars() calendar = schedule.get_calendar(calendar_name=calName) q = calendar.new_query('start').greater_equal(calDay + ' 00:00:00') q.chain('and').on_attribute('end').less_equal(calDay + ' 23:59:59') cal = calendar.get_events(query=q, order_by='end/dateTime', include_recurring=True) # include_recurring=True will include repeated events on the result set. return cal def postSlack(token, channel, msg): slack_token = token sc = SlackClient(slack_token) sc.api_call( "chat.postMessage", channel=channel, #text="<@channel>" + msg1, text=msg, as_user=True ) def postSlackOlEventsAllday(calDay, account, calName, token, channel): msg = '`' + calDay + '` \n```\n' for l in getOlcalEventsAllday(account,calName,calDay): msg = msg + str(l).replace('Subject: ', '* ') + '\n' msg = msg + '```' # temp print(msg) postSlack(token, channel, msg) if __name__ == "__main__": # get Events calName = 'Calendar' #予定表 calNameFmt = '*' + calName + '*' postSlack(token, channel, calNameFmt) ## get today events calDay = str(datetime.date.today()) #'%Y-%m-%d' postSlackOlEventsAllday(calDay, account, calName, token, channel) ## get next business day events if datetime.date.today().weekday() < 4: calDay2 = str(datetime.date.today() + datetime.timedelta(days=1)) elif datetime.date.today().weekday() == 4: calDay2 = str(datetime.date.today() + datetime.timedelta(days=3)) elif datetime.date.today().weekday() == 5: calDay2 = str(datetime.date.today() + datetime.timedelta(days=2)) else: calDay2 = str(datetime.date.today() + datetime.timedelta(days=1)) postSlackOlEventsAllday(calDay2, account, calName, token, channel) # get tasks calName2 = 'Tasks' #タスク用予定表 calNameFmt2 = '*' + calName2 + '*' postSlack(token, channel, calNameFmt2) ## get today tasks postSlackOlEventsAllday(calDay, account, calName2, token, channel) ## get next business day tasks postSlackOlEventsAllday(calDay2, account, calName2, token, channel)
いつの予定を出力したいかは「## get next business day events」を操作してくださいませ。
(office_slack_work) [yoshi@19-06-08T14:16:55] ~/office_slack_work % date 2019年 6月 8日 土曜日 14時16分56秒 JST (office_slack_work) [yoshi@19-06-08T14:16:56] ~/office_slack_work % python get_calender_post_slack_test.py `2019-06-08` ``` * Gym (on: 2019-06-08 from: 10:00:00 to: 12:00:00) * Dinner (on: 2019-06-08 from: 18:00:00 to: 21:00:00) ``` `2019-06-10` ``` * Team Meeting (on: 2019-06-10 from: 10:00:00 to: 11:00:00) * Project Meeting (on: 2019-06-10 from: 16:00:00 to: 17:00:00) ``` `2019-06-08` ``` * Reading book (on: 2019-06-08 from: 15:00:00 to: 16:30:00) ``` `2019-06-10` ``` * Read Newspaper (on: 2019-06-10 from: 09:00:00 to: 09:30:00) * Paper work (on: 2019-06-10 from: 13:00:00 to: 15:00:00) * Daily Report (on: 2019-06-10 from: 19:00:00 to: 19:30:00) ``` (office_slack_work) [yoshi@19-06-08T14:17:11] ~/office_slack_work %
(office_slack_work) [yoshi@19-06-08T14:17:13] ~/office_slack_work % date 2019年 6月 9日 日曜日 14時17分18秒 JST (office_slack_work) [yoshi@19-06-09T14:17:18] ~/office_slack_work % python get_calender_post_slack_test.py `2019-06-09` ``` * Hair salon (on: 2019-06-09 from: 10:00:00 to: 12:00:00) * Party (on: 2019-06-09 from: 20:00:00 to: 23:00:00) ``` `2019-06-10` ``` * Team Meeting (on: 2019-06-10 from: 10:00:00 to: 11:00:00) * Project Meeting (on: 2019-06-10 from: 16:00:00 to: 17:00:00) ``` `2019-06-09` ``` * Gardening (on: 2019-06-09 from: 13:00:00 to: 15:00:00) * Prep for party (on: 2019-06-09 from: 17:00:00 to: 19:00:00) ``` `2019-06-10` ``` * Read Newspaper (on: 2019-06-10 from: 09:00:00 to: 09:30:00) * Paper work (on: 2019-06-10 from: 13:00:00 to: 15:00:00) * Daily Report (on: 2019-06-10 from: 19:00:00 to: 19:30:00) ``` (office_slack_work) [yoshi@19-06-09T14:17:31] ~/office_slack_work %
(office_slack_work) [yoshi@19-06-10T14:18:13] ~/office_slack_work % date 2019年 6月10日 月曜日 14時18分17秒 JST (office_slack_work) [yoshi@19-06-10T14:18:17] ~/office_slack_work % python get_calender_post_slack_test.py `2019-06-10` ``` * Team Meeting (on: 2019-06-10 from: 10:00:00 to: 11:00:00) * Project Meeting (on: 2019-06-10 from: 16:00:00 to: 17:00:00) ``` `2019-06-11` ``` * Code Review (on: 2019-06-11 from: 10:00:00 to: 12:00:00) * Appointment with B Corp. (on: 2019-06-11 from: 14:00:00 to: 15:00:00) * Yoga (on: 2019-06-12 from: 07:00:00 to: 08:00:00) ``` `2019-06-10` ``` * Read Newspaper (on: 2019-06-10 from: 09:00:00 to: 09:30:00) * Paper work (on: 2019-06-10 from: 13:00:00 to: 15:00:00) * Daily Report (on: 2019-06-10 from: 19:00:00 to: 19:30:00) ``` `2019-06-11` ``` * Read Newspaper (on: 2019-06-11 from: 09:00:00 to: 09:30:00) * Quarter Target Planning (on: 2019-06-11 from: 16:00:00 to: 18:00:00) * Daily Report (on: 2019-06-11 from: 19:00:00 to: 19:30:00) ``` (office_slack_work) [yoshi@19-06-10T14:18:27] ~/office_slack_work %
(office_slack_work) [yoshi@19-06-10T14:18:34] ~/office_slack_work % date 2019年 6月12日 水曜日 14時18分38秒 JST (office_slack_work) [yoshi@19-06-12T14:18:38] ~/office_slack_work % python get_calender_post_slack_test.py `2019-06-12` ``` * Code Review (on: 2019-06-12 from: 10:00:00 to: 12:00:00) * Appointment with A corp. (on: 2019-06-12 from: 14:00:00 to: 15:00:00) * Dinner with Friends (on: 2019-06-12 from: 20:00:00 to: 22:00:00) ``` `2019-06-13` ``` * Conference (on: 2019-06-13 from: 10:00:00 to: 18:00:00) ``` `2019-06-12` ``` * Read Newspaper (on: 2019-06-12 from: 09:00:00 to: 09:30:00) * Prepare for Conference (on: 2019-06-12 from: 16:00:00 to: 18:00:00) * Daily Report (on: 2019-06-12 from: 19:00:00 to: 19:30:00) ``` `2019-06-13` ``` * Read Newspaper (on: 2019-06-13 from: 09:00:00 to: 09:30:00) * Daily Report (on: 2019-06-13 from: 19:00:00 to: 19:30:00) ``` (office_slack_work) [yoshi@19-06-12T14:18:50] ~/office_slack_work %
(office_slack_work) [yoshi@19-06-14T14:19:18] ~/office_slack_work % date 2019年 6月14日 金曜日 14時19分19秒 JST (office_slack_work) [yoshi@19-06-14T14:19:19] ~/office_slack_work % python get_calender_post_slack_test.py `2019-06-14` ``` * Lunch on Meeting (on: 2019-06-14 from: 12:00:00 to: 13:00:00) * Team Meeting (on: 2019-06-14 from: 16:00:00 to: 18:00:00) * Dating (on: 2019-06-14 from: 20:00:00 to: 22:00:00) ``` `2019-06-17` ``` * Team Meeting (on: 2019-06-17 from: 10:00:00 to: 11:00:00) ``` `2019-06-14` ``` * Read Newspaper (on: 2019-06-14 from: 09:00:00 to: 09:30:00) * Paper work (on: 2019-06-14 from: 10:00:00 to: 11:00:00) * Daily Report (on: 2019-06-14 from: 19:00:00 to: 19:30:00) ``` `2019-06-17` ``` * Read Newspaper (on: 2019-06-17 from: 09:00:00 to: 09:30:00) * Paper work (on: 2019-06-17 from: 13:00:00 to: 15:00:00) * Daily Report (on: 2019-06-17 from: 19:00:00 to: 19:30:00) ``` (office_slack_work) [yoshi@19-06-14T14:19:31] ~/office_slack_work %
Trouble Shooting
Slack Botの投稿がうまくいかない場合は、Slack Distributionのチェックが全て付いていないかも